Metal planters: Cuadra meets the biological in Lord Bio Restaurant
3 June 2016
The Port of Numana: flower boxes made from Cuadra’s Corten steel … throw the anchor!
3 June 2016
Metal planters: Cuadra meets the biological in Lord Bio Restaurant
3 June 2016
The Port of Numana: flower boxes made from Cuadra’s Corten steel … throw the anchor!
3 June 2016

Vertical Garden at Hospice Bisaccia: creating therapeutic green spaces

Cuadra’s project for Hospice Bisaccia, in Avellino, is an example of a therapeutic green space: with the ODP collection and the Tangreen project, design can heal!

Vertical garden: getting back to the rhythm of nature

The vertical garden project for Hospice Bisaccia in Avellino, designed by the Neapolitan Studio Sciarchitetti, required Cuadra to deal with a ‘peculiar’ environment. The task was to rethink the Hospice’s common areas to make them cosier and more welcoming.  After all, as we know, there is no better medicine than nature.

Created by Cuadra, the project centres on the integration of an ODP vertical garden with a Tangreen, bringing the two elements together to emphasise the centre’s open, trustworthy and high-quality hospitality.


A path between a Vertical Garden and Tangreen
Taking advantage of the unique features of the ODP vertical garden (commonly used to grow vegetables), Cuadra built a vertical system on the white entrance walls: the system’s main tubular structure features interchangeable hanging baskets, allowing the plants to enhance and enrich the structure itself. Made of galvanised sheets painted white, the ODP has given new life to the walls, which are now covered in therapeutic greenery.

With the Tangreen, Cuadra created an imaginary path to guide visitors and patients along to the Hospice entrance. Thanks to the Tangreen’s flexibility and versatility, Cuadra developed a project where the ‘lived’ space interacts dynamically with those who live in it. The final result is an experience that is more than just the sum of its parts. The wheels under the Tangreen unite aesthetics and functionality: each section of the modular structure can be moved and repositioned when needed, creating a dynamic experience that results in a healing ‘green space’.

In these projects, greenery is not just an aesthetic feature but part of a unified vision that brings together environment, space and life. With the vertical garden at Hospice Bisaccia, Cuadra achieved an interior design project that becomes nature itself. As famous poet Gary Snyder said, “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home”.